Components of a Solar Energy System

You do not have to be a technician to appreciate solar energy systems. Solar power offers significant benefits that make it worthwhile for homes and working spaces. However, installing a solar energy system is more complex than installing panels on the rooftop. You need several components to make up a solar system. To get you up to speed, this article outlines some of the main components of a solar energy system.


Solar panels, which house solar cells, absorb energy from the sun and convert that energy into direct current. The current is created when solar energy stimulates electrons in the solar cells and makes the electrons move. Something to note is that power is generated from sunlight, not the sun’s heat.


Inverters are used to convert the direct current from the solar panels into the 240 volts alternating current that is used to power appliances in the UK. The two main inverter types are microinverters and string inverters. String inverters convert the DC from several panels into AC. On the other hand, microinverters convert energy from each panel independently, ensuring the performance of one panel does not affect the rest.


Batteries store energy generated during the day, which can then be used during the night when the solar system is not generating power. The number and size of batteries needed are dependent on the expected power consumption during nighttime.

Charge Controller

A charge controller manages the flow of electrical power to the batteries, ensuring that the batteries stay charged. That ensures the longevity of the batteries.

Electrical Panel

The electrical panel distributes the generated energy to your home or workplace as required, allowing easy management of the entire power system. The electrical panel also contains safety circuits, which feature fuses and trip switches. The safety circuits cut the power supply from the electrical panel in case of electrical faults such as short circuits.
